Reflective Gathering (9.30 - 10.00)
A gathering with space for quiet reflection, prayer, and thoughtful teaching. A simple act of Holy Communion will be offered once a month in this space.
Multi-Generational Gathering (10.15 - 11.00)
A gathering for children and the young at heart to explore the life of Jesus. Much like our current cafe church style, playfulness, storytelling, prayer and interactive teaching will be woven into this multi-generational gathering.

Small Groups
Reading the Bible is the best way to get to know God, and reading it together with others is a great way to get to grips with it better. At Sherford Community Church we believe that what God says to us in the Bible affects how we live, and being part of a small group gives us the chance to think together how we can apply the Bible to our lives. It also gives us a forum for encouragement and support, and a group of people committed to praying for us. We currently have two small groups that each have a slightly different focus. One is looking at 'Sunday School Revisited' and the other is more orientated to church mission especially locally. Check out Small Groups and see if there's one that you would like to join.
Serving and Volunteering
If you want to get involved in the life of the church and help us make Sundays run smoothly, you can sign up to serve on a team.
Other Ministries
We also run the following ministries and groups:
Babies and Toddlers Group
Food Hub - for info email: sherfordfoodhub@gmail.com